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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


全球最先进的机器人: "

来源World\'s Most Advanced Robots

Humans have long dreamed of droids to do our dirty work, whether washing the dishes or fighting our wars. From the skies of Afghanistan to assembly lines in Detroit, those dreams are already a reality. Today sophisticated robots are being developed by universities, the private sector, and the military (or a combination of the three) that not so long ago would have been found only in the pages of comic book or on the movie screen. While we have a long way to go before robots become as practical, affordable, and ubiquitous as, say, automobiles or computers, it may be only a matter of time before they become the next big consumer electronic must-have.


Robot: BigDog


Created by: Boston Dynamics


Size: 2 ft., 4 in. tall, weighing 165 lbs.


Purpose: Deployment as a mobility platform


A four-legged robot that resembles the Walkers from Star Wars, BigDog was designed to help Army grunts hump gear into roadless areas. Built around a combustion engine, the first prototypes of BigDog are in the testing phase and the next two years will involve working alongside defense contractors to come up with a deployable robot to work in a battlefield scenario. That will be followed by another 18 months of testing, according to Boston Dynamics founder and President Marc Raibert. BigDog can already make decisions about whether to go left or right around a tree, but carrying a gun and making a decision about shooting a gun are not really possibilities at this point. 'To be honest, I get a little irritated with the gun question, because, to be honest, it's no different from putting a gun on a pickup truck,' Raibert says. 'People immediately jump to the point where they're imagining science fiction robots [that are] thinking, sentient being[s]. We're really building a mobility platform. It's like a truck that can go anywhere.'


Robot: Bina


Created by: David Hanson of Hanson Robotics


Size: A life-size head and shoulders


Purpose: To create robot avatars for actual humans


Commissioned through a Vermont nonprofit by a self-made millionaire named Martine Rothblatt, BINA 48 was designed to look and act like Rothblatt's spouse, Bina. (The couple were married before Rothblatt underwent a sex-change operation, and they remain together, according to The New York Times.) The idea, explains Bruce Duncan, the managing director of the Terasem Movement Foundation, the nonprofit, is to 'explore the opportunity for people to achieve techno-immortality.' To that end, Bina did more than 20 hours of videotaped interviews that were fed into the chips that power BINA 48's responses to questions. The result is a robot that can have a conversation at roughly the level of a three- or four-year-old. Duncan says Terasem is working toward a day when that database could be downloaded into human clones and robot avatars. To begin, the organization is inviting people to contribute details of their own lives to create avatars, in a project called Lifenaut. 'The project of transferring the human mind to a computer is in the early phases,' Duncan says, 'but there are a number of scientists trying to find a way to do it.'


Robot: Chembot


Created by: iRobot and the University of Chicago


Size: Prototypes run from the size of a ping pong ball to basketball size


Purpose: Shape-shift and fit through small spaces


The makers of the Roomba and Scooba took on a grant from the U.S. Army and the Defense Dept. to create a shape-shifting robot. The result is the Chembot. It moves by inflating and deflating as well as by pushing certain sections out and jumping along. Still in the realm of technology research, iRobot will not produce these soon. It could be a long while before we see a shape-shifting robot squeeze through a crack in the door.

清洁机器人的制造者从美国陆军和国防部那里得到了一份津贴来制造一个可以改变外形的机器人。结果 Chembot就此诞生。它通过充气和漏气就像推出一些部分和移动,虽然还处于技术研究阶段,iRobot不会立刻生产出来。还有很长一段时间我们才能看到一个会变形的机器人从门缝挤进来。

Robot: Curiosity Rover

机器人: Curiosity Rover

Created by: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Size: Car size: 10 ft. long, 9 ft. wide, 7 ft. tall; weighing 2,000 lbs.



Purpose: To explore Mars for evidence of life and conditions favorable to life


Built with such goodies as a rock-vaporizing laser and cameras on every side, this new Mars rover is ready to go explore our neighbor planet. Curiosity will be able to grab rocks and bring them inside the rover for testing. So scientists believe the robot is NASA's best chance yet to discover organic materials on Mars. Also, for the first time, the new rover will send video back to Earth. Launch is scheduled for November or December 2011 from Cape Canaveral. Until then, you'll have to content yourself with watching scientists in white lab coats put it together, live.


Robot: Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod (DASH)

机器人:Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod (DASH)

Created by: Ronald Fearing at Berkeley University's Biomimetic Millisystems Lab


Size: 3.9 in. long, weighing 0.035 lbs.



Purpose: Search missions


The cockroaches of the robot world, these were designed to search disaster sites. The 16 gram DASH can move 15 body lengths per second and survive a fall at terminal velocity. Fitted with a cell-phone camera and gyros built around a tiny custom processor, the DASH could be carried by the thousand in a backpack or kicked by the boxful out of a helicopter. 'We're very interested in the situation where you need to have a lot of robots explore an area very quickly,' says Berkeley roboticist and DASH creator Ronald Fearing.


Robot: da Vinci Si Surgical System

机器人:da Vinci Si Surgical System

Created by: Intuitive Surgical

创造者: Intuitive Surgical公司

Size: Multiple units; main robotic unit has four surgical arms


Purpose: Human surgery


Advertised as minimally invasive surgery, the da Vinci system is meant to be used by a surgeon who operates using robotic arms while looking into a monitor. Three arms hold tools, while the fourth is a camera that gives surgeons a view, in a 3D visualization at up to 10 times magnification, of what they are working on. Currently more than 1,000 units are in used in operating rooms worldwide.

广告上宣称能最大限度的减低外科手术的风险,外科医生一般在使用机械手臂做手术时,浏览监视器而使用the da Vinci system。三个手臂握住工具,第四个手臂是一台摄影机能用放大10倍的效果传输清晰的3D画面给外科医生看它们正在工作的部位。目前在世界范围内有超过1000个单位运用于手术室。

Robot: EMIEW 2


Created by: Hitachi


Size: 2 ft., 7 in. tall, weighing 29 lbs.



Purpose: Designed for office assistance


Two years after the launch of EMIEW 2, Hitachi upgraded the 2010 version with better situational awareness and improved voice recognition. This second robot in Hitachi's EMIEW series (which stands for Excellent Mobility and Interactive Existence as Work-mate) is the perfect deskmate. EMIEW 2 can deliver drinks or documents and take visitors to the right place while navigating desks, chairs, and corridors using map generation and a scanning range finder. Speak to EMIEW 2, and the robot will recognize commands or conversation through voice recognition and a microphone array. And as you follow the robot around the office, this little guy relies on wheels to get around, while with a heavier load, EMIEW 2 kneels down for greater stability.


Robot: Robotic Fly

机器人:Robotic Fly

Created by: Robert Wood at the Harvard Microrobotics Lab


Size: 1.18 in. wingspan, weighing 0.002 lbs.



Purpose: Reconnaissance or search capabilities


The tiny aerial vehicle pictured here, made with carbon-fiber wings that flap 120 times per second, is the first insect-size robot to fly. Robotics scientist Robert Wood and the students in his lab are building numerous robots designed to mimic insects. Study topics are the movement of cockroaches and the glide of butterflies. Although that first flight of the fly took place between two wires, the goal is to make these mechanical insects fly for miles with a camera attached. The result would be something that Ian Fleming's Q would drool over.


Robot: Home Exploring Robot Butler (HERB)

机器人:Home Exploring Robot Butler (HERB)

Created by: Intel's Personal Robotics Program and Carnegie Mellon University


Size: 4 ft. tall, 2 ft. wide, with two robotic arms and a two-wheeled base


Purpose: Household chores


The creators of HERB noted that top answers to surveys about what Americans would like robots to do consistently involve household chores such as laundry, dishwashing, and ironing. These simple tasks are no small feat for a robot, however. Enter the butler. That would be HERB, the robot that can throw items in the trash, clear dishes, and place them in the dishwasher. There were reportedly still a few bugs at a recent demonstration; HERB is a long way from mass-market-ready. But it's one step closer to the Jetsons' Rosie.


Robot: HRP-4C


Created by: Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology


Size: 5 ft., 1 in. and 95 lbs.



Purpose: To be a diva


HRP-4C is among the most advanced humanoid robots out there. She wowed the audience at Tokyo's Digital Content Expo in October when she danced at a demonstration, using some 30 internal motors to rock out. Her face was controlled by an additional eight motors as she sang--yes, sang--the song to accompany the dance.


Robot: Justin


Created by: Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR)


Size: Life-size, with various configurations
Purpose: From making coffee to repairing satellites


Designed by the German version of NASA, Justin is intended to use arms and fingers for delicate tasks. In one demonstration, officials showed Justin making coffee. Most recently, Justin was reportedly rolled out as a possible telepresence robot for space applications. In the long run, the hope would be that a button could be pressed on Earth and Justin could do complex tasks in space. Justin's sensors and cameras create a 3D view of his surroundings that help Justin perform tasks with a certain level of autonomy.


Robot: MAARS System

机器人:MAARA System

Created by: QinetiQ North America

创造者:QinetiQ 北美公司

Size: a few feet high depending on configuration; weighs 350 lbs.



Purpose: Remotely operated weapons system


Designed by the same company that has shipped 3,500 TALON robots to Iraq and Afghanistan for dismantling improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the new Modular Advance Armed Robotic System (MAARS) has left the robotic arm at home. Instead, MAARS is outfitted with 40mm high-explosive grenades and an M240B machine gun with 450 rounds. Three prototype models, called SWORDS, made it to Baghdad for 18 months. 'All we know is that the company commander reported to the Army Science Board in 2009 that the SWORDS saved lives,' says Bob Quinn, vice-president for TALON operations at QinetiQ in McLean, Va. 'His only request was to send more.' Army officials say SWORDS robots never fired a shot outside of testing. The latest models are outfitted with extra cameras and other capabilities to increase situational awareness for the soldier behind the video game-style controller. Quinn says he is not concerned about 2009 reports that insurgents hacked into the video feeds of unmanned aerial vehicles operating in Afghanistan and says the software and security on MAARS are solid. Still, an expert in legal issues surrounding robots, Ryan Calo, says guns on robots make him concerned. 'It turns out to be next to impossible to debug software,' Calo says. 'You can have a sense of what a program is going to do, but getting it 100 percent right is not possible.' Fewer than 10 MAARS robots are currently with Special Forces units, Quinn says. Army officials say MAARS robots are not currently being tested in theaters of war.
已把3500架TALON机器人运往伊拉克和阿富汗拆除简易爆破装置的QinetiQ 北美公司设计了这款机器人。新的标准先进武装机器人系统(MAARS)已经能很熟练的使用机器人手臂。不同的是,MAARS装配有40毫米的高爆榴弹和一把拥有450发子弹的M240B型机枪。用18个的时间,设计了3个原型,叫SWORDS,供给巴格达。“据我们说知,公司高层在2009年给陆军科学委员会的报告指出SWORDS拯救生命。”鲍勃奎因说。他是弗吉尼亚麦克林QinetiQ 公司TALON业务的副总裁。“他的唯一要求就是送更多的过去。”最新的模型配备了额外的摄像头,这有助于增加士兵们在视频前面操控机器人时对环境的感知能力。军方说SWORDS从没有在测试之外开过火。奎因说他不担心2009年的报道,报道说,MAARS的软件和安全性都是稳定的。作为机器人合法存在事务方面的专家,瑞安卡罗说,他很担心机器人身上配枪。“下一个结果不可能是调试软件”卡罗说。“你会知道一个程序将会怎么做,但给它百分之百的权利是不可能的。”目前,特种部队拥有的MAARS少于10台,奎因说。官方部队说MAARS机器人还没有在战争的环境中接受过检验。

Robot: Mobile untethered robots (microbots)

机器人: Mobile untethered robots (microbots)

Created by: Bruce Donald at Duke University


Size: 200 microns long (smaller than the width of a human hair)


Purpose: Studying possibilities for manipulating cells


Researchers at Duke University have created dozens of microbots, robots small enough to line up 200 on a single M&M. "They are programmable to do simple tasks," says Duke scientist Bruce Donald. "It's the same as a car. We spent many years building something that could drive around at that scale." The future is now open for the tiny mobile devices, with possible medical collaborations or jobs repairing computer chips.


Robot: Murata Girl

机器人:Murata Girl

Created by: Murata Manufacturing


Size: 1 ft., 7 in. tall; weighing 13 lbs.



Purpose: Unicycling


Launched in 2008, Murata Girl was the unicycling better half of bicycling Murata Boy. Both robots were equipped with gyro sensors to control motion and keep balance, sensors to detect obstacles, cameras to transmit images, and the ability to operate through Bluetooth. The 2010 model of Murata Girl was upgraded to unicycle along a tiny S-curve beam without falling off, perfect for the robot circus. And in case you were wondering, a press release on Murata Girl lets us know that she a Virgo who is "physically active but shy."

Murata Girl研发于2008年,她与双轮车Murata Boy的一半相比,是更好的独轮车。两种机器人都装备了陀螺传感器来控制移动和保持平衡,传感器用来侦测障碍物,摄像头传输画面,整个功能通过蓝牙开启。Murata Girl的2010版本已经进行了升级,独轮车靠一条做小的S曲线运动的梁而不跌倒,比马戏机器人表现得还好。如果你有什么疑惑,开启Murata Girl的电源,你会发现,她只是一个“做运动但害羞”的小女孩。

Robot: Octavia


Created by: Intelligent Systems Section of the Naval Research Lab


Size: 5 ft., 8 in.


Purpose: Interface with U.S. naval personnel


Although Octavia looks more like C3PO than like a humanoid, her eyebrows can shoot up in a skeptical response and her eyes will turn to track a questioner. This is what scientists at the Naval Research Lab were going for in trying to design a robot that can interact well with a human. Classified as an MDS robot--mobile, dexterous, social--Octavia is packed with infrared and laser sensors and microphones to communicate. When thinking, Octavia blinks. When shocked, she opens her mouth as she knits her brows.


Robot: Partner Robots

机器人:Parter Robots

Created by: Toyota


Size: 4 ft., 3 in.; 119 lbs.



Purpose: Assistance and elderly care


Toyota's partner robots, which made their debut in 2005 playing drums and trumpets, and a 2007 debut playing violin, can do any number of things to help people. Currently the robot comes in five versions, including a so-called mountable robot that is essentially a wheelchair with legs instead of wheels.


Robot: PR2


Created by: Willow Garage

创造者:Willow Garage公司

Size: Up to 5 ft., 4 in. tall


Purpose: Open source robotics as a robot design platform


The software base for the robotics industry is siloed at this point, with every company and garage tinkerer creating operating systems from scratch. Willow Garage spokesman Tim Smith says the company was 'founded on the premise that 90 percent of robot scientists spend their time wasting their time.' Started and funded by ex-Googler Scott Hassan, Willow Garage is trying to create the standard robot operating system (ROS). They began by building robots with open source software and giving 11 of them away to research institutions and companies, at a total cost of $4 million. The robots went on sale last month at $400,000, or a discounted price of $280,000 to a company or institution with a history of contributing to open source projects. 'You have to be a roboticist to want one of these,' Smith says. 'They don't help around the house. These are platforms. They don't do much until they are put in the hands of researchers who decide what they will do.' Georgia Tech researchers have programmed PR2 to work on elder care, while scientists at Berkeley taught PR2 to fold towels.

基于机器人工业的软件基础在这一点是筒仓式的,每一个公司和研究机构都是从零开始创造操作系统。Willow Garage公司的发言人蒂姆史密斯说公司是“建立在一个前提之下,那就是90%的机器人科学家花费他们的时间都浪费掉了。”由前谷歌人斯科特哈森启动并建立的Willow Garage公司正在尝试创造开源机器人操作系统(ROS).他们通过建构一个拥有开源软件的机器人,并把11个机器人赠送给研究机构和公司,这总共要花掉4百万美元。上个月这款机器人的售价是40万美元,或者打折到28万美元销售给对开源项目做过贡献的公司和机构。“你想要个这样的机器人,你自己就不得不先做个机器人专家,”史密斯说。“他们不会在房间里四处帮忙。他们只是一个平台。他们不会做得很多,直到他们到了研究人员的手中,那些研究人员会决定让他们做什么。”乔治亚理工学院的研究院安排PR2去完成老人看护工作,伯克利大学的科学家们教PR2叠毛巾。

Robot: QB


Created by: Anybots


Size: 5 ft. tall, weighing 35 lbs.


Purpose: Remote avatar


Telepresence is a big buzzword in robotics these days. The idea is for people to use robots in multiple locations so as to be in many places at once. QB is a telepresence robot that went on sale this fall from Anybots, in Mountain View, Calif. For $15,000, you can get a robot that will take your place in meetings and conferences at work. The operator sees through video chat capabilities and can operate the robot, set on two wheels, as it moves through corridors and rooms. To help interact, QB has a laser pointer, twin high-resolution cameras, a 3.5-in. touch screen, and speakers. Best of all, meetings can't drag on any longer than the six-hour battery life allows.


Robot: Ranger


Created by: Andy Ruina at Cornell University


Size: Stands 3 ft. tall and weighs 17 lbs.


Purpose: Walk using minimal energy


Many roboticists are concerned with maximizing performance independent of energy use, while Andy Ruina is trying to maximize energy use. The Cornell Ranger can't have a conversation with you, and the 'eyes' are just foam bouncers for protection in case it falls. But this summer the Ranger broke the record for nonstop distance walked by an untethered legged robot by walking around a 1/8 mile track at Cornell University 108 times in 10 hours before the batteries went dead. 'We are trying to understand the mechanics of walking,' Ruina said. 'All the other robots we have seen use way, way more energy than a human uses when a human walks.'


Robot: Stickybot III


Created by: Mark Cutkosky at Stanford University's Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab


Size: 2 ft. long and weighs 1 lb.


Purpose: Climbing walls


To learn how to climb walls, Stanford roboticist Mark Cutkosky turned to the best wall climbers around: geckos. To create nonsticky adhesive materials, geckos showed the way to van der Waals force, the sum total of attracting or repelling forces between molecules. 'The trick is that it's not very strong, and it only works over very, very short distances,' Cutkosky says. What he means by very short is molecular-length scales. If you can make van der Waals forces work for you, as Cutkosky has, you can climb nearly any surface. One secret behind it is directional adhesion, and, as Cutkosky points out, geckos have it. 'If you feel their little feet, they don't feel sticky at all. But as soon as you pull on it, suddenly it grabs. Our adhesives work the same way. And it makes all the difference.' The most recent version of Stickybot is a bit bigger, with 19 microprocessors that are responsible for moving the joints. Bigger means heavier, so Stickbot needed a bigger tail for balance if the first two legs miss a step. 'If you think about most animals that climb really well,' says Cutkosky, 'almost all of them have tails.'




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