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Monday, December 20, 2010


【每日一词】ellipse(椭圆,椭圆形): "

来源ellipse – podictionary 187

An ellipse is asort of a squashed circle, or an elongated circle, depending on how you look atit.


Another name foran ellipse is an oval. The word “oval” comes to us because it means “egglike” which describes an oval’s shape.


But ellipse comesfrom a Greek word that means “to come short” as in “close, but not quitethere.” This doesn’t refer to the ellipse as being close to a circle, butinstead refers to how mathematicians think of geometric shapes like circles andellipses.


A whole group ofthese shapes are called by mathematicians “conic sections” because if you imaginea cone—the shape of a dunce cap or one of those orange traffic cones—beingsliced by a laser beam, you get these kind of geometric shapes.


For instanceslicing it off straight across the bottom gives you a circle. Cutting thecone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until theangle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.


After that theellipse isn’t an ellipse anymore because it is open at one end. It hasbecome a hyperbola. So as long as the angle of the cut comes shortof the angle of the cone’s side it is an ellipse. To come short, ellipse.


Now I really chosethis word as an excuse to introduce another guy from the history ofetymology. One of the citations in the OED entry for ellipse is from a fellownamed Liddell.


Back in the firsthalf of the 1800s this guy Henry George Liddell picked up a pet project with afriend of his, Robert Scott. Students of Greek have been praising andcursing these two ever since. In 1843 they published a honking great bigtome that represented everything they knew about how ancient Greek had beenused. They called it their Greek Lexicon and Amazon lists its shipping weight at 8.3pounds. This is why students have cursed it.


I almost died whenone day my very pregnant professor lugged a copy into class to let me have alook at it.


Of course theypraise it because it is one of those works that is just about as complete ascan be. For 150 bucks you can have the latest version which is the ninthedition, but the bulk of it was set out 160 years ago by Liddell and Scott.


No one seems tohave had a bad word to say about old Henry George Liddell. He achievedvery prominent positions at Oxford, vice-chancellor of the university and deanof one of the colleges. Reading the forward to the Lexicon you can alsosee that he had a sense of humor.


He must have had,because he also had ten kids—I suppose that means his wife Lorina had to havehad a sense of humor as well.


Anyway, one oftheir daughters, little Alice became a favorite of another Oxford professor, aguy named Charles Dodgson, who was inspired to write Alice’s Adventures inWonderland; but he used the pen name Lewis Caroll.



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